Press Release






Lagos, Nigeria. May 3, 2018


The Institute for Media and Society (IMS) joins the rest of the world to celebrate the World Press Freedom Day.’’

We recognize the fact that the media continue to forge ahead in the performance of its duty to society even in the face of challenges. We note in particular, that the media in Nigeria continue to demonstrate resilience within an environment of harsh economic conditions.

The work of the media continues to be very essential in the building of democracy. This is particularly true in a season of elections characterized by activities which include voter education, voter registration, campaigns by political parties and polling exercises.

During this important season, the capacity and environment of the media must improve to enable it engage all the phases of the electoral process with a deep sense of professionalism and commitment.

We urge the media and all the stakeholders to invest in the development of its capacity so that the institution will acquit itself creditably in this electoral assigment.

Media owners and managers, on their part, should provide appropriate institutional support such as in forms of improved welfare, professional tools and editorial freedom to Journalists.

We urge political parties to conduct their activities in civilized and democratic manner that enables the media to do its job professionally.

Furthermore, the government at the federal, state and local levels, should provide an environment characterized by policies which facilitates rather than constrict the practice of journalism in Nigeria.

In conclusion, we enjoin citizens to remain vigilant and resolute in the protection and defence of freedom of expression during this electoral period and beyond.

Dr Akin Akingbulu

Executive Director,

Institute for Media and Society

May 3, 2018