Engaging Development: Environment and Content of Radio Broadcasting in Nigeria


Engaging Development-Environment and Content of Radio Broadcasting in NigeriaNigeria has developed a relatively huge radio broadcasting sector whose history dates back about seventy-five years. More than one hundred licensed radio stations currently operate in various parts of the country. Yet critical observers of the Nigeria media scene have claimed that despite the country’s huge development challenges, radio broadcasting has performed below expectations in engaging the issues of development.

It is argued that its continuing institutional expansion and size along with its position as a pre-eminent medium of mass communication have not delivered appropriate dividends to the majority of the people of Nigeria. To enable it occupy its place as a major tool of development in this country, radio broadcasting requires re-positioning. This is a task to which stakeholders have continued to commit attention.

Part of the crucial strategies of the moment is to conduct professional inquiries into various issues which affect the institution of radio broadcasting. These are expected to provide scientific data which would inform the development of future activities.

It was with great delight that we requested Dr Tunde Adegbola and Dr Ayobami Ojebode to help engage this assignment. These are fine scholars whose vision and commitment to development and broadcasting date back a long time. We believe that readers will find in this study a picture of the crucial challenges confronting radio broadcasting, useful recommendations and an impetus for further work to advance the cause of development-oriented radio broadcasting in Nigeria. Click here to download